- 頭部可自由移動:在鏡頭距離 60 公分的情況下,可在 35 X 35 X 20 公分的區域內移動
- 採樣率:單雙眼採樣率達 1000 Hz
- 準確率:平均凝視位置誤差最低可達 0.25 度
- 多樣化的設計:可隨時切換為桌上型 (Desktop) 或追蹤式 (Remote)
- 快速簡易的設置、校正、驗證與記錄
- 須先選購 Desktop Mount 系統後升級至此系統
EyeLink 1000 Plus Core System EyeLink 1000 Plus Camera and Workstation or Laptop Host PC |
Key Specifications |
Head Supported |
Remote (Head Free-to-Move) |
Sampling Rate |
2000 Hz Monocular 2000 Hz Binocular |
1000 Hz Monocular 1000 Hz Binocular |
Accuracy |
Down to 0.15o (0.25º - 0.50º typical) |
0.25-0.50º typical |
Resolution |
0.01º RMS 0.05º Microsaccade resolution |
0.05º RMS 0.25º saccade resolution |
Real-time Data Access |
M = 1.4 msec (SD < 0.2 msec) @ 2000 Hz |
M = 2.4 msec (SD < 0.3 msec) @ 1000 Hz |
Data Output |
X, Y, and Pupil Size |
Host PC |
Workstation or Laptop Host PC |
Participant Setup |
Very simple and easy. Typically less than 2-5 minutes |
Choose from five different mounts for your eye tracking tasks. Different infrared wavelengths available to minimize visibility or track in the dark. |
Mounting Options |
Desktop Mount |
• Easy to transport • Track with the head free-to-move or with head supported • No electronics near the participant’s head • Binocular or monocular eye tracking supported • Configurable 32º x 25º trackable range |
Binocular Tower Mount |
• Fast and easy setup • Ideal for close-up stimuli, touchscreens and reaching • 60º x 40º trackable range |
LCD Arm Mount |
• Bring the stimulus to the subject • Ideal for infant tracking or patients in a hospital bed • Configurable 32º x 25º trackable range |
Long Range Mount |
• Ideal for MRI or MEG • 60 - 150 cm eye-to-camera distances |
Primate Mount |
• Ideal for non-human primate tracking • 60º x 40º trackable range |
The EyeLink 1000 Plus camera can be upgraded to allow extra functionality. |
Camera Upgrades |
Remote (Head Free-to-Move) |
A default Desktop or LCD Arm mount system can be transformed into a Binocular 1000 Hz Remote Head Free-to-Move eye tracker that does not require head stabilization |
2000Hz |
Beginning in the Spring of 2017, every new EyeLink 1000 Plus samples binocularly at up to 2000 Hz with the head stabilized, and 1000 Hz with the head free-to-move when the Remote Camera Upgrade is present. Existing owners can upgrade for a nominal fee. Please write info@kyst.com.tw for more information. |
EyeLink 1000 Plus |
雙眼塔型 |
靈長類 |
桌上型 |
支撐臂型 |
長距離 |
遙測 |
取樣率 |
眼動追蹤原理 |
瞳孔與角膜反射 |
僅瞳孔或瞳孔與角膜反射 |
瞳孔與角膜反射 |
平均準確度 |
通常為0.25° 至 0.5° |
跳視解析度 |
0.25° |
空間解析度 |
0.01° |
周邊雜訊過濾 (關/普通/高) |
1000 Hz: 0.02°/ 0.01°/ 0.01° 2000 Hz (單眼): 0.03°/ 0.02°/ 0.01° 2000 Hz (雙眼): 0.04°/ 0.02°/ 0.02° |
0.08°/ 0.04°/0.02°
25 mm鏡頭 500 Hz: 0.03°/ 0.02°/ 0.01° 1000 Hz: 0.05°/0.03°/ 0.01° 16 mm鏡頭 500 Hz: 0.06°/ 0.03°/ 0.01° 1000 Hz: |
眨眼恢復時間 |
1.0 msec @ 1000 Hz 0.5 msec @ 2000 Hz |
2 msec @ 500 Hz 1 msec @ 1000 Hz |
瞳孔大小解析度 |
直徑的0.1% |
16 mm鏡頭時0.2% 25 mm鏡頭時0.1%
追蹤範圍 |
水平60° X 垂直40° |
可調整 - 水平32° X 垂直25 ° |
水平與垂直±25 mm |
距離60公分時: 35 x 35公分 距離70公分時: 40 x 40公分 (水平 x 垂直) |
最佳的相機到眼距離 |
固定在48 cm |
30 - 45 cm |
40 - 70 cm |
60 - 150 cm |
40 - 70 cm |
眼睛相容性 |
良好 |
優秀 |
良好 |
注視 / 跳視 / 眨眼 / 注視點更新 |
眼睛注視位置游標會出現在靜態圖像或位置軌跡上,並顯示攝影機拍攝的影像與追蹤狀態。 |
→ 使用 SR Research EyeLink 系統發表之科學論文列表
- 語言心理學與閱讀研究
- 眼球運動研究
- 認知心理學研究
- 幼兒發展與老化研究
- 以病患為基礎的研究
- Gaze Contingent 和 Gaze Control 實驗典範
- 觀看真實世界 / 實景相機研究
- 可用性實驗和應用研究
- 靈長類實驗
- 顱磁刺激TMS 研究
- Experiment Builder 研究
- Microsaccade 研究
- Smooth Pursuit 研究
- Vergence 研究